Posts tagged 'ruby' Page 2 of 2

Keeping Code Up To Date

Writing an application really is the start of your problems! Once in production, you need to monitor and maintain it, ensure that it stays secure and fix bugs.

Google-Fu: My RSpec script test is failing!

Is RSpec failing when you try to test a script with RSpec via the system command? Here, for the benefit of any googlers who who can’t get their ruby script working properly, is a possible fix to yo...

Ruby 2.3 Notes

A few more notes about changes coming in Ruby 2.3

Ruby Safe Navigation

Tony Hoare came up will Null references in 1965, and later called it a billion-dollar mistake. There are some languages today where null values are not allowed, but ruby isn’t one of them. There i...

Love Your Self

Ruby’s Self When you write ruby code, many times, the context in which your code is executed matters. This context will contain an assumption as to the default Object methods are being called on, ...


Ruby ships with an interactive shell, or REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) called irb. It’s pretty handy for quick ruby evaluations, or running rails console commands. You can also require files or gems...