Posts tagged 'gems' Page 1 of 1

Empty Ruby Templates

Rails has a neat template feature that lets you customise newly created rails apps. There is also the thoughbot suspenders gem that gives a very opinionated set of configuration options for new rai...

Google-Fu: My RSpec script test is failing!

Is RSpec failing when you try to test a script with RSpec via the system command? Here, for the benefit of any googlers who who can’t get their ruby script working properly, is a possible fix to yo...

Custom Gemfiles

When I’m writing or collaborating on a gem, I like to use a couple of useful lint tools every now and then. These are good for finding code smells, untested code or hinky syntax. There are a bunch...

Gemfile Constraints

You can specify various different constraints in your Gemfiles when requiring other gems: ~> # the pessimistic version constraint =, >, <, >= # obvious, right? ...