Gemfile Constraints

You can specify various different constraints in your Gemfiles when requiring other gems: ~> # the pessimistic version constraint =, >, <, >= # obvious, right? ...

Vim Cheatsheet

Text :set textwidth=79 to automatically insert lines breaks after 79 characters gq to wrap the text on the current line (or selected text) :set wrap linebreak nolist to display long li...


Ruby ships with an interactive shell, or REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) called irb. It’s pretty handy for quick ruby evaluations, or running rails console commands. You can also require files or gems...

Apache Bench

Apache Bench is a useful way to create load on a web server, for stress testing and performance analysis.

Security Best Practices

Introduction Be aware that no system is secure. The best you can ever hope for is secure enough. As such, good security is an exercise in risk management. To manage security well, to need to unders...