Posted: 09 Feb 2018
Updated: 10 Jun 2022
Verified: 10 Jun 2022
A type 1 hypervisor provides virtualisation on a bare metal server. Type 2 runs within an OS. Type 1 hypervisors are more efficient and performant, but offer less flexibility. Also, type 1 hypervisors offer better security since OS vulnerabilies are limited to each virtual instance rather than the hypervisor OS, which could compromise all the hosted OSes at once.
Type 2 hypervisors, also known as hosted hypervisors or client hypervisors are easier to manage for some use cases, like software development
Type 1 hypervisors
- Xen
- Oracle VM (Xen based)
- Citrix Hypervisor (Xen based)
- KVM - a Kernel-based Virtual Machine, a hypervisor tech baked into the linux kernel, developed by Red Hat. It is used via c hooks, so a user would typically be making use of another piece of software that uses the KVM. For example, QEMU uses KVM as an accelerator.
- VMWare vSphere
- MS Hyper-V
Type 2 hypervisors
- Virtualbox is a type 2 hypervisor that runs on macos, windows or linux.
- Parallels Desktop
- VMWare Workstation & VMWare Fusion
- QEMU is an emulator and hypervisor, so you can run windows, mac and arm64 OSes on an x86 processor. It includes a range of processor recompilers jand hardware/peripheral emulators.
- Proxmox and libvirt (virsh, virt-manager) are both front-ends to QEMU.
Vagrant is an abstraction layer / way of managing VMs easily, independent of the underlying virtualisation software.